Saturday, November 16, 2019

Magazine Project Research- World soccer

Image result for world soccer magazine vidalThe cover of this magazine contains a picture of Arturo Vidal and has large text all around him. The background of the magazine is all white and allows the text to stand out from everything else. The content inside the magazine is all soccer related and has very current news. The page layout is very organized and the text surrounds all the pictures. The ads in this magazine are very minimal and are not large on the pages. The distribution number of the magazine is 500000 magazines.

Magazine Research- OHS soccer team

Image result for ohs olympia soccer magazineThis is a high school soccer sports magazine. It is local to their region and the cover of the magazine is some of the players on their team. The bottom of the cover is the name of their school and the background of the players in very dark to help the players stand out more in the picture. The ads within the magazine are placed at the end and are supporters of the school. The layout of the pages are all square borders with pictures of the players inside. The pages also all consist of the players and which team they play for. The distribution number is not said but it is a local magazine made for their school.

Magazine Project Research- soccer 360

Image result for soccer 360 messiThe cover of the magazine contains a midshot of Lionel Messi in his Argentina uniform as number 10. The cover is very packed with news and information and the title of the news magazine is placed behind his head. They also have players in little borders in the bottom of the page showing the different players and discussing their games. They also have text on the side saying the name of some of the articles in the magazine they have in the magazine. Most of the articles in the magazine are about the world cup and women's world cup. The ads are not on every page and are mainly have their own pages dedicated to them. On some pages they have the ads on the side of the article and on the bottom. The distribution number of this magazine is not said but it is a very popular magazine in England.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Magazine Project Genre Research- Sports magazine 476

Image result for sports magazine 476The cover layout is a picture of an ex-professional soccer player for the Netherlands national team and has been managing the club since 2018. The title is Dutch Master and the color scheme is very dull and basic. They use a different type of font and space out every letter of the title. The articles in the magazine mainly consist of news about other athletes and have whole pages dedicated to ads. The advertisements appear on just about every other page but occasionally are on the bottom of articles. The distribution number of this magazine is 23000000 people each week.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Camera Shot Activity

Extreme Close up

Low angle shot

Mid Shot

Canted Angle Shot

High Angle Shot

Wide Angle Shot

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Magazine Project Genre Research- Eight by Eight

The lay out of the cover is very organized and is a picture of Alex Morgan with a white background. The text is all black for her name but has a blue to red gradient for the logo of the magazine. The text for her name is vertical down the right side of the magazine and has colorful text to catch the attention of the readers. The articles inside the magazine are female soccer players and where they are from and information about them. On the cover it is a picture of Alex Morgan in her USA jersey and on the table of contents it tells what page each article is on and is formatted in a different way. The table of contents has large words with text in front of it telling what the article is about. The Articles in the magazine all have stuff to do with female soccer players and all of the teams during the world cup. The distribution is completely sold out on their website and do not have a said distribution number.