Thursday, January 30, 2020

AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT POST world soccer december 2016

Image result for world soccer 2016Our audience of our magazines are similar because both of our magazines are targeted for people interested in sports their main one being soccer. They market their product by including photos of the most popular footballers at the time. Some persuasive techniques that are used are action packed pictures on the cover and using the most interesting and eventful matches. In They marketed their products using print media and digital media.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


In this magazine i revised the layout of the images and the layout of the text. In the original submission i published the interview side as a one sided text but in this i made it two columns to split the text.

Monday, January 27, 2020

AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT POSTS winter high school sports 2019-2020

Image result for high school winter sports 2019-20In this magazine they are writing about their high school winter sports. They show multiple sports such as wrestling, swimming, bowling, and gymnastics. They advertise this magazine within their school for the students and student athletes. This magazine is mainly targeted for people interested in basketball and students. Our target audience is similar because many the articles in the magazines are about high schools and the different players on the teams. They market their product by using well shot photos and also a good format for each article. They used print media in to publish their magazine. The aspects I would use to market my product are the layouts of each article and the player lineups.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

My Target Audience

My target audience for the magazine is high school students and athletes. The magazine is mainly made for students at Sarasota high school. The gender is for all genders and the geography is aimed for people inside the United States but mainly for people in Florida. The income level is for all and the education level is very simple and a high intelligence level is not needed. The thing that will be appealing to our audience is all of the selection of sports inside the magazine and the possibility of reading about someone you may know.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Use of Conventions

My product conventions by showing different sports and information about the team. This is shown with team pictures and interviews on some of the players. The social groups represented are for people who are interested in sports, athletes, and teenagers.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Feedback and Revisions

The revisions I plan to make to my mid term submission are changing the table of contents and adding clearer pictures. These changes will help improve my product because the pictures can help improve the product and help give the readers a visual to go with the text. I will carry out these changes by taking more photos with a different camera and also updating the table of contents with different information and a new picture of the team