Monday, February 24, 2020



In this revision i used a new font to make the text easier to read with the background. I also added some bordering lines to match my text and the overall theme of the magazine. The border also helps the player stand out and make the background more vibrant.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Most companies distribute their magazines printed. This can be delivered to your doorstep by the media company. The magazines can also be sold at local retail stores such as Walmart, Target, and Sams club. Magazines such as LOOK are sold by the register to capture the attention of customers wanting to purchase an item. They usually just pick it up as they are checking out and just add it to their groceries to read and catch the attention of the readers because they are bright and have gossip on the front page. Recently many media companies have been selling their magazines digitally so it is available to anyone. These are magazines such as ESPN, World Soccer, and Eight by Eight. ESPN gives all of the most recent news about sports and keeps watchers updated about their favorite sports teams.
Image result for look magazine

Monday, February 10, 2020




Marketing Plan

For this marketing plan i am showing the different events and schools that are visited in our magazine. I chose to use instagram because it is one of the most popular social media websites to use and many of the target audience members are common instagram users.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT RESEARCH cchs sports fall sports 2019

Image result for Calvary Christian 2019 Fall Sports ProgramThis magazine is a magazine about high school sports at Calvary high school. They include many different sports programs they have at the high school and the different teams. This magazine is similar to mine because they have many different sports and they are talking about the different high school teams. They include many sports such as bowling, swimming, and etc... One thing I want to include in my magazine is the lineup of the different teams. This magazine includes the different players on the team and their grade. The magazine also includes the dates of the games and the location.