Thursday, December 19, 2019

Varsity Soccer Interviews

1.) What do you plan to do after High school?
2.) Do you plan to take soccer to a further level in the future such as professionally?
3.) How has soccer affected your life?
4.) How different is the school team from club?
5.) If you could be sponsored by any brand what would it be and why?

Reece Tucker
1.)After highschool I plan to go to college. I want to go to the University of Colorado or the University of Kentucky.
2.) I plan to go to college with a soccers scholarship so that I can save money and continue to do what I love doing.
3.) Soccer has given me a purpose in life and makes me feel amazing. All of my teammates always support me and help me out whenever i need it and it feels right whenever I am playing.
4.)The school team is different than my club because in high school it is a much faster paced game and I have no space and am pressured instantly whenever I receive the ball
5.)I would want to be sponsored by adidas because they have a variety of clothing ranging from athletic clothes to dress attire. It is the most comfortable and also what I use for my soccer equipment.

Nathan Hume
1)After high school I plan to go to college in Michigan because that is where all my family lives and the weather is nicer there.
2) I plan to go to college with a soccer scholarship because I want to pursue my career in soccer and want to continue playing. I also want to go with a scholarship because it would help me save money to spend on other things I need.
3) Soccer has allowed me to meet more a bunch of my friends and has created many close bonds I wouldn’t have without it.
4) The school team is very different from club because of the pace of the game. In club the games are way slower, and you have more time to think about what is going on in the game
5) If I could be sponsored by any brand I would choose adidas because it is the most comfortable.

Daniele La Rosa
1) After high school I want to play soccer in college for a D1 school.
2) I plan to go to college out of state for the best experience and to also meet new people and experience new things
3) Soccer has allowed me to meet new people and keeps me in line because it helps me relieve stress whenever I am having a tough time
4) The school team is similar to club because of the players and the pace of the game is continuous
5) I would want to be sponsored by Nike because they feel better on my feet and the clothing and kits feel way better than adidas

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